Wednesday 3 November 2010

You Are Here sculptures opening

The Schools are holding a launch event for the You Are Here sculptures from 4.30 - 5.30 on the 11th November. All are welcome.

In conjunction, the inaugural exhibition of work selected by Regis School Curators will be on show in the foyer of The Regis School’s Landmark building.
Generously on loan from Pallant House Gallery, the show is entitled ‘Out of the Darkness’. With the support of staff at Pallant, the curators’ have made a selection from lithographs that were produced in post-war austerity for British schools with the aim of brining contemporary art of the time to young audiences. The prints showcase a range spanning from British Surrealists to leading European Modernists.
The year 7 and year 8 curators will be available to discuss their choices and enthuse about their role in promoting the visual arts to their peers and the wider community.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Year ID Graphic murals

These murals have really brought the communal areas of Southway school to life, the walls were painted first using the year group colours then the Year ID Graphic figures were CNC cut from 3mm White Foamex and applied to the walls. There are a total of 8 murals one for each year group, the animal characters were inspired by consultation workshops with the children and teachers at the school.

Thursday 1 July 2010

The Regis School Signs

The Regis school signage schedule is almost complete, here are a couple of preview pictures.

Monday 5 April 2010

Latest Developments

Its been a while since my last post on YOU ARE HERE, things have been happening, but they have all needed approval before unveiling here and there are still some elements of they project in draft phases which means that its best not to reveal them until they are approved. 1st Drafts of signage style have been approved for both schools. The sculptures are approved and their massive foundations are being cast this week, the larger sculpture (shown) will weigh nearly 3 tons. A school visit is being arranged to the steelworks in Littlehampton where the sculptures are being fabricated.

The new logo (shown) for Southway school has been approved, it consists of 8 isocseles triangles arranged in a star or flower type pattern inspired by logos designed by children in the workshops. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. An isosceles triangle has both two equal sides and two equal angles. The name derives from the Greek iso (same) and skelos (Leg). Each of the triangles is a different colour, each of the colours is identified with one of the 8 year groups, these colours are also used in the signage and as accent walls in the classes.

Friday 22 January 2010

Workshops in the new Primary School

This week the workshops have started in what will be known as Southway school. At the moment Michael Ayres and the Glade schools are both existing together alongside each other in their new building. Southway school will combine the two old schools and begin in September 2010. The purpose of these workshops is to develop Year ID graphics for each Year group in the school including Reception and Nursery, that's 8 different Year ID graphics. We also plan to develop a new school logo for Southway school.

I have been working with two different groups, a KS1 group in the morning and a KS2 group in the afternoon.

In KS1 we started with a brief to create pictures using letters of the alphabet as stencils.

In KS2 we started with an introduction into the world of Symbols and Logos, using a range of resources to create our own logos for specific things - A Fish & Chip shop and a Bouncy Castle.

Workshops continue next week...